Sunday, June 9, 2013

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The Power of Words

Words are very powerful and can change one's life for good.  I love to take a positive 'WORD' and break down its meaning and ponder what it really stands for.  I find a lot of strength in words...both the spoken and the written word.  Words have such a strong impact on each of us - (whether it be a negative or a positive word, it does influence us.)

PEACE ~ A state of tranquility; a freedom from disturbance
WISDOM ~ The exercise of sound judgement, discerning between truth and error
PATIENCE ~ The quality of bearing offenses without anger or revenge; trusting the timetable of the Lord
UNDERSTANDING ~ Exact comprehension, intelligence between two or more persons
HOPE ~ To place confidence in, with the belief that it will be obtained
CREATE ~ To organize, to bestow intelligence upon

I wanted to share a couple of my favorite videos regarding WORDS and the power they behold!

I hope you're inspired like I am each time I watch these.  I am issuing a challenge to you and myself to use good, positive, and uplifting words when talking with others, especially our loved ones.  The things we say each day can be uplifting and inspiring or belittling and degrading.

SO...What Choice of Words will you use today?

JOHN 1:1-5
 aIn the bbeginning was the Word, and the cWord was with God, and the dWord was eGod.

 All things were amade by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

 In him was alife; and the life was the blight of men.

 And the alight shineth in bdarkness; and the darkness ccomprehended it not.

Have an awesome week!

~C.J. Poulsen

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