General Conference is perhaps my favorite time of year as it happens twice, in April and October each year. IF you missed listening or watching the live sessions please go and watch a few of the recorded sermons that were given. They are uplifting and inspire good. IF you're not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka as Mormon Church), and are investigating the church I invite you to come and learn now from God's called servants.
I was born and raised as a Latter-day Saint and as I've grown and become an adult I have learned for myself that this church is God's only true and living church upon the face of the earth. I have prayed to know if this church is God's restored church. The spirit has testified to me over and over that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's restored church that was established anciently by Jesus Christ while He was here upon the earth. I am so grateful for the testimony and knowledge I have of this and how the restored gospel leads me and my decisions day by day.
I know that Jesus Christ is the Head of this church and that Thomas S. Monson is the prophet called to be God's mouthpiece here upon the earth. Again, I invite you to come and learn and pray to God to learn for yourself if this is not true...
God bless you and America ~
~ C.J. Poulsen
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