Sunday, June 29, 2014

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Meet Today's Prophets and Apostles

 Today I wanted to share my deep gratitude with you, my readers, for the knowledge I've gained about living prophets and apostles.  This knowledge gives me much peace and direction in my life.  As I ponder upon their words it gives me hope of a better day.  We all face tribulations and challenges in this life.  That is part of our journey and experience here upon the earth.  We were sent here to gain a mortal body and be tested according to our faith.

As we learn, grow, and progress in life we each face daily choices.  The gift of agency was given to each of us so we may learn for ourselves between truth and error.  I love learning and discovering new truths for myself.

One truth I'm especially grateful for is the righteous examples of faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ we have to follow in the scriptures and in our day.  Our Heavenly Father has appointed prophets and apostles throughout each dispensation (time period) to lead and guide us, as His children here on earth.  God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Prophets are called and chosen to be special witnesses of Jesus Christ and testify of Him throughout all the world.  I realize that many do not yet have this knowledge.  Perhaps, this is the first time you've heard anything like this.  My challenge to you is to seek for answers from the source of all truth, God our Heavenly Father through prayer.  He has answered my prayers and as I read and listen to the living prophets and apostles words, the holy spirit teaches, testifies, uplifts, and edifies me.  This is a great blessing indeed!  One I am in deep gratitude of this day.

Amos 3:7
 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

A QUOTE from our living prophet, Thomas S. Monson ~

"In a world where peace is such a universal quest, we sometimes wonder why violence walks our streets, accounts of murder and senseless killings fill the columns of our newspapers, and family quarrels and disputes mar the sanctity of the home and smother the tranquility of so many lives.

"Perhaps we stray from the path which leads to peace and find it necessary to pause, to ponder, and to reflect on the teachings of the Prince of Peace and determine to incorporate them in our thoughts and actions and to live a higher law, walk a more elevated road, and be a better disciple of Christ" ("Finding Peace," Ensign, March 2004).


 ~ C. J. Poulsen

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